Stream | Savannah, IL
The cornfields near Savannah, IL follow twists and turns as the land starts to enter the Driftless Area and the land becomes more sinuous.
During the winter, these lands turn to frozen tundras reminding one of moods made famous in “Fargo” (1996).
This stream was tucked off a dirt road in the hills surrounding Savannah, existing there unassuming and beautiful.
The cornfields near Savannah, IL follow twists and turns as the land starts to enter the Driftless Area and the land becomes more sinuous.
During the winter, these lands turn to frozen tundras reminding one of moods made famous in “Fargo” (1996).
This stream was tucked off a dirt road in the hills surrounding Savannah, existing there unassuming and beautiful.
The cornfields near Savannah, IL follow twists and turns as the land starts to enter the Driftless Area and the land becomes more sinuous.
During the winter, these lands turn to frozen tundras reminding one of moods made famous in “Fargo” (1996).
This stream was tucked off a dirt road in the hills surrounding Savannah, existing there unassuming and beautiful.
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